“Forgotten Hollywood”- The James Earl Jones Theatre…

Posted on March 3, 2022 by raideoman1 | No Comments

Manny P. here…

“`The Shubert Organization just announced that Broadway’s Cort Theatre will be renamed the James Earl Jones Theatre to honor the actor. The theater has been under renovations since the COVID-19 pandemic began. Renovations are expected to be done by the summer. The Cort Theatre initially opened its doors in 1912 and is now America’s oldest professional theatre company.


“`The beloved actor’s career spans seven decades. Jones has received much recognition for his vast contributions to both stage and screen over the years. In 1985, Jones was inducted into the American Theater Hall of Fame and went on to receive the National Medal of Arts in 1992. He was recently honored as a Disney Legend for his contributions to the Walt Disney Company through his various Disney roles over the years.

“`Jones has appeared in fourteen productions at Shubert theatres, which include two roles at Cort Theatre. His most recent performance was in the revival of Donald L. Coburn’s The Gin Game; the production taking place at the John Golden Theatre.


“`I am thrilled to present Manny Pacheco’s Forgotten Hollywood, a new podcast on SPOTIFY. It will be presented in over ninety episodes with one program offered each week!

“`Episode Three is on the cloud. This week, I share tales about famous femme characters in film. The softer creations of screenwriters inspire musical compositions and and continue to capture our collective imaginations. PLEASE CLICK ON THE LINK to give it a listen:

Until next time>                               “never forget”

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