“Forgotten Hollywood”- YOU Can Contribute to Documentary!
Manny P. here…
The FORGOTTEN HOLLYWOOD Documentary Pilot is going into DEVELOPMENT to start 2013. A screenplay is in the works, which tells the seldom-shared story of Lionel Barrymore’s desire to carry on with his career after a diagnosis of advanced arthritis.
Barrymore’s decision influenced the pioneering government fight to eradicate polio through the March of Dimes campaign. He also motivated President Franklin Roosevelt and Helen Keller to carry on their personal and professional battles against disability. Their paths shaped our nation’s way we see everyday people with crippling disease; and changed Hollywood’s notion of the handicapped. It’s a gripping story that continues to resonate with my readers of Forgotten Hollywood Forgotten History.
VISION4MEDIA interested International distributors in a finished FORGOTTEN HOLLYWOOD Documentary Pilot with negotiations at the 2011-2012 Festival du Cannes and the 2010 American Film Market. I’ve been assured a completed documentary has a better chance of finding a domestic home on television or cable. However, creating a product can be an arduous process; and quite expensive.
* * * * *
Now, YOU can be part of the process! I have set up an Indiegogo funding campaign to supplement the monies needed to bring this grand story to the screen. YOUR contributions (any amount) will ultimately let Hollywood producers know YOU are tired of mindless Reality Show-drivel, and support intelligent programs in the spirit of the writings of David McCullough (John Adams), Doris Kearns Goodwin (Team of Rivals, the inspiration for Steven Spielberg’s Lincoln), Stephen E. Ambrose, the documentaries by Ken Burns (Civil War, Baseball, Jazz), and the creators of American Experience on PBS.
All YOU need to do is CLICK ON THE LINK… and contribute. We have set up a number of incentives to encourage you to show your support. It is our way of personally saying… THANK YOU!
Through this initial 2013 campaign, I’m asking my friends, family, and supporters of our FORGOTTEN HOLLYWOOD franchise to help us reach a goal of $5000. YOU can contribute ANY AMOUNT. This critical step will ensure the DEVELOPMENT phase, and we’ll be able to:
- Hire a research archivist to compile footage & photos; and secure licensing
- Hire a consultant / casting director to book actors and behind-the-scenes folks from Hollywood’s Golden Age; plus cinematic historians for original interviews
- Set up a production shoot to tape these candid moments
YOU have been wonderful in supporting my Book Series, my weekly Radio Show, and my blog site. Let’s complete this work by advancing my most ambitious goal: Making FORGOTTEN HOLLYWOOD a real Documentary Pilot. With Indiegogo, we can all take credit for developing this classic Hollywood journey into a bonafide production; and potentially, an intelligent series of programs!
Again, all YOU need to do is to CLICK ON THE LINK BELOW…
Indiegogo is an International crowd funding site officially launched in 2008 at the Sundance Film Festival. In 2010, MTV New Media partnered with Indiegogo to develop new content from the site’s projects. Recently, President Barack Obama’s Startup America partnered with Indiegogo to offer crowd funding to entrepreneurs in the US. As of 2012, it has hosted over 100,000 funding campaigns in areas such as music, charity, small business, and film. Indiegogo is also used by already-funded projects to create publicity or find distributors. According to the Wall Street Journal: As of October 2011, over 45,000 campaigns have been launched, raising millions each month.
My heartfelt personal thanks in advance for your generous support.
Until next time> “never forget”
This entry was posted on Sunday, March 24th, 2013 at 12:00 am and is filed under Blog by Manny Pacheco. You can follow any comments to this post through the RSS 2.0 feed. Responses are currently closed, but you can trackback from your own site.
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