“Forgotten Hollywood”- Weekend in Long Beach…

Posted on May 9, 2019 by raideoman1 | No Comments

Manny P. here…

“`I am happy to be spending treasured time in Long Beach on Saturday. I am a guest speaker at the California Writer’s Club of Long Beach. The event takes place at the Ruth Bach Library at 2:30p.

“`CWC members have written novels, short stories, screenplays, poetry, non-fiction articles, and books. More than 50% of their members are published. This organization is celebrating over one-hundred years of literary history.


“`After my oral presentation, I will be autographing copies of my Forgotten Hollywood Book Series. Three times the charm! This should be a fun time.


“`Jim Fowler (right) was the longtime host of the popular television wildlife series, Mutual of Omaha’s Wild Kingdom. Jim started as a co-host with Marlon Perkins,  then took over as sole host when Perkins retired in 1985. Fowler did the physical work on the program, such as hanging in crocodile infested water.

“`He was a wildlife correspondent for the Today show and was a frequent guest on Johnny Carson’s Tonight Show and Conan.  Fowler was a leading figure for wildlife conservation, designing Chehaw Park, an animal sanctuary in his hometown of Albany, Georgia.

“`Jim Fowler was eight-seven.

Until next time>                              “never forget”

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