“Forgotten Hollywood”- The Bambi Verdict…

Posted on December 17, 2018 by raideoman1 | No Comments

Manny P. here…

“`A Missouri poacher has been ordered by a judge to watch Disney’s animated production,  Bambi,  each month for a year after he was convicted of illegally hunting hundreds of deer. David Berry Jr. was arrested in August, along with two members of his family, for offing the animals, taking their heads, and discarding their bodies to rot. Viewings of the movie are to begin on December 23rd.

“`An investigation that spanned a number of states led to Berry Jr.’s arrest. He also has been sentenced to a four-month term in Barton County Prison for a firearms probation violation. David and his father had their hunting privileges revoked for life by the Missouri Conservation Commission. It is reportedly one of the biggest poaching cases in Missouri history.

“`The 1942 feature has a climactic scene in which a hunter kills the mother of the eponymous deer character — Bambi. The magic of Walt Disney is now punishment in the Show-Me state.

Until next time>                               “never forget”

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