“Forgotten Hollywood”- TCM Looking For Ultimate Fan…

Posted on October 3, 2013 by raideoman1 | No Comments

Manny P. here…

   If your television is set to Turner Classic Movies, here’s a contest for you with some nifty prizes at stake. The cable network is about to celebrate its 20th year as the leading small-screen authority in classic films, and to honor this anniversary, its launching TCM’s Ultimate Fan Contest.

   Fans who wish to participate in TCM’s Ultimate Fan Contest should create a 90-second introduction to a classic film of their choice. Contestants can create an introduction for a movie they’ve never seen before, or a beloved classic. On the submitted video, folks are encouraged to be creative, informative and have some fun as they take on the role of a TCM host. In order to be considered for TCM’s Ultimate Fan Contest, videos must be submitted online via http://fancontest.tcm.com through October 31st. Complete rules for the contest and detailed instructions regarding videos are included on the website. After the submission period closes, one winner chosen will get the opportunity to co-host a motion picture on-air with Osborne at the 2014 TCM Classic Film Festival. Also included in the prize package is a trip for two to attend the entire Hollywood fest, plus accommodations, a pair of festival passes, and more. Good luck to my readers if this competition interests you!

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