“Forgotten Hollywood”- Spielberg Documentary on HBO…

Posted on July 28, 2017 by raideoman1 | No Comments

Manny P. here…

“`Documentary filmmaker Susan Lacy has spent over 30 hours interviewing the finest filmmaker of our generation for Spielberg, which premieres on October 7th on HBO. Lacy expected  4 interviews with the traditionally private Steven Spielberg; but, they ended up meeting 17 times. Lacy created and produced  American Masters on PBS for decades.

“`Lacy also met with Spielberg’s parents and sister,  as well as, scores of collaborators,  including Matt Damon, Daniel Day-Lewis, Francis Ford Coppola, George Lucas, Tom Cruise, and Martin Scorsese. The most compelling item about Spielberg to his colleagues is his knowledge and enthusiasm for the medium.  His movies often pay homage to classic filmmakers he has admired, such as William Wyler and John Ford.

“`For example, the decision to make Schindler’s List, his personal story of The Holocaust, didn’t come out of any kind of focus group. It was something he simply needed to produce. Spielberg won his first director Oscar for the 1994 film; also named Best Picture.

“`His least favorite film he made… Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom. His biggest flop… 1941. And finally, Steven has given his approval after viewing the new documentary.

Until next time>                               “never forget”

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