“Forgotten Hollywood”- Silent Films Discovery…

Posted on March 30, 2014 by raideoman1 | No Comments

Manny P. here… blog_mickey-mcguire1

   According to the Los Angeles Times, long-missing comedy shorts such as 1927’s Mickey’s Circus, featuring a 6-year-old Mickey Rooney in his first starring role are among the American silent films recently found at the EYE Filmmusem in Amsterdam. The film series was noted for essentially establishing the careers of Rooney and Billy Barty. Not only does the EYE collection features two-reelers, animation, dramas, serials, and Westerns, there is also a cache of nonfiction films.            MICKEY ROONEY ———->

   These shorts, thought to be the best surviving source material on titles reported anywhere, have been shipped for preservation at the Colorlab in Rockville, Md., under guidance of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences and the Library of Congress.

   EYE and San Francisco-based National Film Preservation Foundation have partnered to repatriate and preserve these films — the majority either don’t exist in the United States or only in inferior prints. When the restoration process is done, the American archives will have custody of new digital scans, 35mm masters, prints, and access copies. EYE will receive new prints and digital copies. And the NFPF plans to post copies of the film for streaming on their website. There are more titles that the NFPF wants to repatriate, including two feature films, 1924’s The Reckless Age, a comedy with Reginald Denny; and the 1922 melodrama For the Defense, with ZaSu Pitts.

logo_nl   An announcement was made today in Amsterdam at EYE Museum with a public screening of the first film saved. The first 26 films are already in the laboratory queue; more will follow in the months ahead.

Until next time>                               “never forget”

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