“Forgotten Hollywood”- Oscar on Your Mantel…

Posted on November 19, 2018 by raideoman1 | No Comments

Manny P. here… 

“`Two Academy Awards for Best Picture will be up for sale in a rare auction of Oscars. Profiles in History has just announced that statuettes awarded to  Mutiny on the Bounty in 1936 and another handed to Gentleman’s Agreement in 1948 are up for auction in Los Angeles starting on December 11th. Hans Dreier’s art-direction Oscar for 1950’s Sunset Boulevard is additionally there to be purchased by the highest bidder.

“`The Bounty statuette is expected to go for up to $300,000. Frank Capra presented it to Irving Thalberg at the Biltmore Hotel in Los Angeles when the Academy Awards were less than ten years old. The award is being put up for sale for the first time by the family of Thalberg, an essential figure in the early history of Hollywood.

“`The Oscar for Gentleman’s Agreement, the 1947 film starring Gregory Peck that took on anti-Semitism and won three awards, is expected to fetch around $200,000. Its seller remains anonymous.

“`Auctions of Oscar statuettes are very uncommon because winners from 1951 have had to agree that they or their heirs must offer to sell it back to the  Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences for one dollar before they can offer it to anybody. Every once in a while, Oscars beyond the reach of the rules go up for sale and sell for large sums of money.

“`The late Michael Jackson acquired David O. Selznick’s  Gone With the Wind Best Picture statuette for a record $1.5 million in 1999. Orson Welles’ Citizen Kane screenplay statuette sold for almost a million in 2011.

“`A rare chance to own a real Academy Award presented to filmmakers from Hollywood’s past is worth pursuing.

Until next time>                               “never forget”

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