“Forgotten Hollywood”- New York in Pictures…

Posted on March 14, 2016 by raideoman1 | No Comments


Manny P. here…  20160314_102127~3

   My sister Virginia (below in fur) and I are enjoying a brisk Spring in the Big Apple in celebration of the 2016 ReelAbilities Film Festival. Along the way, we’ve visited Rockefeller Center (Today Show), The Lincoln Center, 42nd Street9-11 Memorial (Ground Zero), and a ReelAbilities screening of Enter the Faun, a remarkable and moving documentary of a New York native who intertwines choreography and the affliction of cerebral palsy.

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   Among the many sights and sounds of New York: the cast of The Today Show and The Golden Girls, Flip Wilson, Bob Hope, Milton Berle, Mickey Mouse, Woody from Toy Story, and a minion!

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reelabilities logo   Oh yeah, I’m also here to do presentations of Forgotten Hollywood as part of the film festival. Our first visit was at the Baychester Library in the Bronx. Today, we’ll visit the Jerome Park Library at 11a in the Bronx.

Until next time>                               “never forget”

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