“Forgotten Hollywood”- Let’s Look at the Tote Board (#6)

Posted on February 12, 2013 by raideoman1 | No Comments

Manny P. here…

  As we approach one-third of our Indiegogo FORGOTTEN HOLLYWOOD Documentary Pilot  (Development) funding campaign, we’ve collected over $1375 for the cause. For further info, click on the Indiegogo link:



CONTRIBUTIONS karaoke-scene_logo_200x97

~ KARAOKE SCENE MAGAZINE ($51) – This is the second place of business to participate in our funding drive. Karaoke Scene provides the casual Southern California karaoke singer with locations to sing, interesting columns, and all the latest equipment information. They sponsor several of the largest national contests: the SONGBURST and Creme de la Creme, Creme de la King, and the Creme de la Kids competitions (all part of the KARAOKEFEST).

   The Cypress business provides an app to read the bi-monthly issues of the magazine. Just click on one of the links below:

 iphone https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/karaoke-scene/id389763745?mt=8

android:  https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.islandmediagroup.karaokescene

jameson wong~ JAMESON WONG ($40) – My neighbor is a production coordinator for Simple Green. Recently, at his company party, Jameson won a singing contest. We enjoy his country rendition of tunes at the Starting Gate in Los Alamitos. Like my friend, Ray Jordan, Jameson has an affinity to reptiles!

Robin Itzler~ ROBIN ITZLER ($25) – A popular OC pet sitter, this is one busy gal. Robin writes a column for the Orange County Breeze; and belongs to the Cypress Chamber of Commerce and Los Alamitos Republican Club. She is also an aspiring scribe. With this kind of work-ethic, I’m convinced she will succeed in whatever endeavor she put her mind to.

frank cisco santangelo~ FRANK “CISCO” SANTANGELO ($25) – My former Program Director at KIK-FM, a former sister broadcasting company to the Financial News and Talk Network, which airs the Forgotten Hollywood radio program each Saturday, Cisco currently is a placement coordinator at the Academy of Radio and Television Broadcasting. The longtime radio personality is also a big fan of Hollywood’s Golden Age.

austin clough 2~ AUSTIN CLOUGH ($25) – Austin is having a busy 2013 award’s season. The Costa Mesa native has been on the Red Carpets at the Golden Globes and the Screen Actors Guild Awards. When Austin is not interviewing A-List stars, he’s a counselor at the Academy of Radio and Television Broadcasting.

~ SUSAN GARRETT ($20) – Sue is an unabashed lover of karaoke, and frequently performs at Orange County shows, including the Starting Gate and Mr. B’s in Los Alamitos; and Valley View Lanes in Garden Grove. She’s also made sure her parents own copies of the Forgotten Hollywood Book Series.

moose lodge~ MICHELE BERRIER ($10) – Michele is a Cypress homemaker. She is also a member of the Buena Park Women of the Moose. This club chapter is my host location that helped me recently raise $2400 for my official charity – Mooseheart. A dollar for every first edition of my initial book was donated to this Chicago-based national educational facility, which we did in total last September.

brad bakken~ BRAD BAKKEN ($10) -Brad is a network administrator who lives in Anaheim. He has numerous hobbies; including karaoke and his motorcycle. Brad was one of my first friends who supported my desire in becoming an author, when he bought an early copy of Forgotten Hollywood Forgotten History.

bryan vance~ BRYAN VANCE ($10) – Bryan resides in Santa Ana. For years, he’s been an instructor at the Academy of Radio and Television Broadcasting. The folks at this fine facility have been very generous in their contributions, which I truly appreciate.

~ GRANADA PAVILION BINGO LADIES ($7) – A number of these wonderful women passed the hat at a recent evening of bingo, and gladly, donated to the cause. Every dollar counts in our funding campaign.



redroom-logo   Helping me share the FORGOTTEN HOLLYWOOD Documentary Pilot on their social network sites:

   Radio and television host, ERICA PORTERand literary website RED ROOM are promoting my efforts. Itreprints my Forgotten Hollywood blogs, which I appreciate.

* * * * *

   During the 2013 campaign, I’m asking friends, family, and supporters of our FORGOTTEN HOLLYWOOD franchise to help us reach a 120-day goal of $5000. We’re currently at almost 28% because of 41 wonderful contributions.

   YOU can contribute ANY AMOUNT. This step ensures Development, and we’ll be able to:

  1. Hire a research archivist to track down footage and photos; and secure licensing
  2. Hire a consultant / casting director to book actors and behind-the-scenes folks from Hollywood’s Golden Age; plus cinematic historians for original interviews
  3. Set up a production shoot to tape these candid moments

   Again, here’s the Indiegogo link for your chance to participate:


   I’m really blessed for your official future consideration… And, I’m thrilled about our latest round of contributors and supporters (above).

Until next time>                               “never forget”

This entry was posted on Tuesday, February 12th, 2013 at 2:16 am and is filed under Blog by Manny Pacheco. You can follow any comments to this post through the RSS 2.0 feed. Responses are currently closed, but you can trackback from your own site.

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