“Forgotten Hollywood”- Let’s Look at the Tote Board (#4)…

Posted on February 1, 2013 by raideoman1 | No Comments

Manny P. here…

    Almost a month is in the books in the Indiegogo funding campaign for our FORGOTTEN HOLLYWOOD Documentary Pilot (Development), and through the website and from direct personal contributions, we have surpassed $900. For complete information… click on the Indiegogo link:



CONTRIBUTIONS~ CANDICE WORL ($25) – Candice is the longtime director at KinderCare in Santa Ana; and she owns her own karaoke company. Her clients include the TomKat Lounge in Buena Park; and the Starting Gate and Mr. B’s in Los Alamitos.


Juanita~ JUANITA MANKULEIYO ($25) – An executive assistant for a law office in Newport Beach at Fashion Island. Like Candice, she lives in Costa Mesa. An avid reader, I appreciate her support of the Forgotten Hollywood Blog Site.

   Juanita is also a beautiful songstress. In 2009, she was a winning female finalist in the KaraokeFest Creme de la Creme contest at the Los Angeles County Fair.

Leanne~ LEANNE WEAVER ($25) – Leanne is a retired secretary, who resides in Long Beach. She completes the hat trick as a lover of karaoke. Leanne has frequently voiced her interest in seeing Forgotten Hollywood made into a documentary, which I completely appreciate.

gp_logo-300x100~ GLORIA BERNARDO ($25) – Gloria is a real cheerleader for the Forgotten Hollywood Book Series. A Chatsworth resident, she is a BINGO enthusiast at the Granada Pavilion in her leisure time. She worked as a sales clerk at May Co., Gloria is now retired.


   Thanks to my latest friends who are helping me promote the FORGOTTEN HOLLYWOOD Documentary Pilot on their social network sites:

~  Jade Wheeler  ~  Sylvia Wheeler  ~  Deborah “Cookie” Cooke

* * * * *

   During the 2013 campaign, I’m asking friends, family, and supporters of FORGOTTEN HOLLYWOOD franchise to help us reach a 120-day goal of $5000. We’re currently at just under 19% because of 19 giving contributions.

   YOU can contribute ANY AMOUNT. This step will ensure Development, and we’ll be able to:

  1. Hire a research archivist to track down footage and photos; and secure licensing
  2. Hire a consultant / casting director to book actors and behind-the-scenes folks from Hollywood’s Golden Age; plus cinematic historians for original interviews
  3. Set up a production shoot to tape these candid moments

   Again, here’s the Indiegogo link for your chance to participate:


   Your official consideration confirms our desire to bring quality programming to television… And, a huge THANKS to our latest round of contributors (above).

Until next time>                               “never forget”

This entry was posted on Friday, February 1st, 2013 at 1:15 am and is filed under Blog by Manny Pacheco. You can follow any comments to this post through the RSS 2.0 feed. Responses are currently closed, but you can trackback from your own site.

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