“Forgotten Hollywood”- Let’s Look at the Tote Board (#19)…

Posted on May 19, 2013 by raideoman1 | No Comments

Manny P. here…

   The FORGOTTEN HOLLYWOOD Pilot Documentary (Development) online funding campaign officially concluded on Saturday. What a finale at Westminster Lanes, with a day of bowling for cash and prizes. In our final week, we reached  84% of our goal, for a GRAND TOTAL of $4200.

CONTRIBUTIONS westminster-lanes-logo

~ WESTMINSTER LANES – Thanks to Mike, Ben, Paul, and the entire staff at Westminster Lanes, our fundraising day of bowling was a complete success. I’d also like to thank Karaoke Scene Magazine, Laurie Pacheco, Lisa G. for their prize donations. The bowling center let us have the run of the place. A total of 23 folks participated. Winners were Lowell Huber, Laurie Pacheco, Ron Sargent, Ray Jordan, Katelyn Walter, Gina Bazurto, and Phill Cross.


   Thanks to all who attended, including the above mentioned folks, and Gary Beebe, Kenny Walter, Darren Jones, Butch Labossierie, Phil Brent, Cindy Dutch, Bernie Greenberg, Ken Cox, Gary Coultas, Alex Dutch, Rick Sargent, Isaiah Gonzales, Lorraine Hodges, Rick Gruensner, and my cousins Robert and Sandi Pacheco.

angels logo  NIKON  Lucy  MORPH-1 Karaoke System

~ TOM OKU ($60) – The owner of Budget Blinds of South Bay, Tom Oku is also a former lead singer in cover bands around Southern California. His franchise specializes in curtains, shutters, shades, blinds, and drapes. In fact, he works in the same business as my dad.

tom oku   budget Blinds Logo

   Located in Redondo Beach, please visit their website for further information:


~ VINNIE CISNEROS ($20)  Vinnie is a bartender at Mr. B’s, and a former bartender at the Starting Gate, both at Los Alamitos. Well known for donating his services, he has contributed his time for Casa Youth Shelter to help at-risk children. He also has read both books in the Forgotten Hollywood series.

~ KURT KISSINGER ($5) – Kurt is studying to be a legal clerk. Currently, he works at Macy’s in Laguna Hills. During his spare time, he engages in karaoke all over Orange County. Kurt lives in Cypress.

* * * *

   During this 2013 campaign, I’ve asked friends, family, and supporters to help us achieve our 120+ day (19-week) goal of $5000. A total of 114 individual and business contributors want to support quality family-friendly television programs, intelligently presented.

   Indiegogo placed monies raised on their site into my Forgotten Hollywood LLC account, I’m please to say.

forgottenhollywood logo   13 lionel barrymore drawing

                                                                                     LIONEL BARRYMORE

   YOU can still contribute ANY AMOUNT. This step ensures Development, and we’ll be able to:

  1. Hire a research archivist to track down footage and photos; and secure licensing
  2. Hire a consultant / casting director to book actors and behind-the-scenes folks from Hollywood’s Golden Age; plus cinematic historians for original interviews. Margaret O’Brien and Scott Essman are our first subjects
  3. Set up a production shoot to tape these candid moments

   All participants will warmly receive screen thanks at the conclusion of the Documentary.

Until next time>                               “never forget”

This entry was posted on Sunday, May 19th, 2013 at 2:45 am and is filed under Blog by Manny Pacheco. You can follow any comments to this post through the RSS 2.0 feed. Responses are currently closed, but you can trackback from your own site.

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