“Forgotten Hollywood”- Let’s Look at the Tote Board (#11)…

Posted on March 21, 2013 by raideoman1 | No Comments

Manny P. here

   We’re in the dog days of our FORGOTTEN HOLLYWOOD Pilot Documentary (Development) funding campaign on INDIEGOGO. After 11 weeks, our team has reached 46% of our stated goal. NOW, is your chance to contribute by clicking on the link below:




westminster-lanes-logo~ RICHARD SHAFER ($100) – Richard is a supporter of the FORGOTTEN HOLLYWOOD concept. He owns the book series, and he really wants to see the documentary become a reality. Richard resides in Huntington Beach, and he’s a vice president of a trucking business. During his free time, he enjoys bowling at Westminster Lanes.

~ BUTCH LABOSSIERE ($20) – Like Richard, Butch is a reliable bowler at Westminster Lanes. He also lives in Huntington Beach; and during the day, he works at an auto body shop. Butch also has an interesting collection of bowling balls… no really!

darrin jones~ SHERRYL & DARRIN JONES ($40) – A very close mother and son; and longtime friends to Gary Beebe and Candice Worl, they are thrilled to make a joint contribution. Darrin has proudly served in the military, and now he cares for his mother, who is disabled. Together, they enjoy quality time; spending an evening at Westminster Lanes or at a karaoke show. Sherryl owns copies of the FORGOTTEN HOLLYWOOD Book Series.

angie medrano~ ANGIE MEDRANO ($25) – A native of Fresno, Angie currently lives in Long Beach.  She is a secretary at a sales company in Cypress. Angie is another of my wonderful singers who stops by Mr. B’s in Los Alamitos on a given weekend. Some of her favorite tunes is Proud Mary and I Will Survive. She’s helping me survive by supporting my cinematic project and book series.

pam carter~ PAM CARTER ($20) – Many folks who spend time at Westminster Lanes support efforts in seeing the Development of a FORGOTTEN HOLLYWOOD Documentary Pilot. Please include Pam Carter on this list. She retired after spending a fruitful career as an employee at the Orange County Superior Court. Pam lives in Garden Grove.

C__Users_Laurie_Pictures_9-15-2012_DSC00077~ MATTHEW BRYDEN ($10) – Matthew is my friend, who sponsored my admission to Buena Park MOOSE LODGE. As Governor of this local chapter, he had an idea for a MOOSEHEART/FORGOTTEN HOLLYWOOD drive that raised $2400. Matthew will join my wife and me in May, when we are honored by the MOOSE International Convention Recognition Dinner in Milwaukee. $1 of every purchase from my First Edition of my initial literary work was earmarked to this worthy Child City & School. By day, the La Habra resident is an electrician.

~ SANDY KOWALCZYK ($5) – Another member of Buena Park MOOSE LODGE, Sandy is retired and lives in Anaheim. She is quite active on their local board of the Women of the MOOSE. Despite being on a fixed income, Sandy is always prepared to contribute to a worthy fundraiser.

* * * * *

   During the 2013 campaign, I’m asking friends, family, and supporters of our FORGOTTEN HOLLYWOOD franchise to help us achieve our 120-day (17-week) goal of $500071 total contributors; and the list is steadily growing of fine folks who want to watch quality family-friendly television programs that are intelligently presented.

   YOU can contribute ANY AMOUNT. This step ensures Development, and we’ll be able to:

  1. Hire a research archivist to track down footage and photos; and secure licensing
  2. Hire a consultant / casting director to book actors and behind-the-scenes folks from Hollywood’s Golden Age; plus cinematic historians for original interviews
  3. Set up a production shoot to tape these candid moments

   Here’s the INDIEGOGO link for all the details (and you’re chance to make a contribution):


   All participants will receive screen credit in the credits of the Documentary Pilot.

Until next time>                                “never forget”

This entry was posted on Thursday, March 21st, 2013 at 1:06 am and is filed under Blog by Manny Pacheco. You can follow any comments to this post through the RSS 2.0 feed. Responses are currently closed, but you can trackback from your own site.

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