“Forgotten Hollywood”- Latest Work Has 800 Copies Sold!

Posted on July 14, 2013 by raideoman1 | No Comments

Manny P. here…800

   Son of Forgotten Hollywood Forgotten History can NOW be found in the shelves of 800 readers. Brisk sales of my 2012 work is good news indeed. I anticipate more purchases reported of both of my paperbacks, when I receive my monthly report from Danforth Distribution, tomorrow.

   Yesterday, our Documentary team surpassed over 86% of our funding goals with late contributions coming in. Despite the conclusion of our campaign to raise monies through Indiegogo ending last month, folks still want to contribute to the cause. Over 100 compaines and individuals are committed to seeing me succeed in my on-screen venture, which is indeed a blessing.

FINALfrontcover-sonofforgottenhol   15 lionel barrymore playing card

   The Forgotten Hollywood Pilot production will showcase the story of Lionel Barrymore, and his stubborn wish to continue working, despite being diagnosed with a degenerative disability in 1937. His efforts led to our nation’s government teaming with Hollywood to fight disease, and the way our country looks at those with a physical and / or mental handicap.

   This is a feel-good story that need to be shared!

Until next time>                               “never forget”

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