“Forgotten Hollywood”- Great Sales at Tower.com & Borders!

Posted on April 12, 2010 by raideoman1 | No Comments

Manny P. here…

   Let me say… I had a great time at Costco / Burbank on Sunday. A woman who works at one of the movie studios in the area was kind enough to share that my book is getting into conversations among filmmakers in the industry. She then asked me to sign a copy of my work, which I gladly did. I also want to thank Gary Zive, a classmate and friend from Van Nuys High, for hanging out with my parents and me. We shared jovial fun all afternoon.

02 Tower   I came home to find out that online sales at Tower Books.com are quite impressive! Forgotten Hollywood Forgotten History is ranked #8 in the nation in their Social History category. It was selected as one of the showcase books on their website (see below):

Social History Bestsellers

   The paperback is also still doing well at Southern California Borders stores (#7 in Local Interest). To visit these websites, feel free to go to the Book Purchase Locations on the  Navigation Bar to the left and click on their links.

   The information at these sites speak for themselves!homepage_092209_rewards

Until next time>                               “never forget”

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