“Forgotten Hollywood”- Hepburn Home Still a Bargain…

Posted on May 25, 2014 by raideoman1 | No Comments

Manny P. here… hepburn home

   The former secluded compound of Hollywood leading lady nonpareil Katharine Hepburn has fallen a long way from its June, 2011 ask of $28M. Even at a diminished relisted price of $14.8M, it would still set a record for the town of Old Saybrook, Conn. Or so the listing agent tells the Wall Street Journal. Current owner Frank Sciame decided to split up the initial acreage he had trouble selling, which he bought from Hepburn’s estate in 2004 for $6M. Initially, chez Hepburn was offered with two adjacent parcels of land totaling 3.6 acres.

   The 8,368-square-foot, six-bedroom home had been in Hepburn’s family for decades, and was her primary residence until her death in 2003. In 1938, a hurricane lifted the Hepburn’s previous home on the same location right off its foundation, with she and her family narrowly escaping. When the home was first hoisted onto the market, there was some concern over whether spending millions on such a low-lying, vulnerable property, despite the installed breakwaters. Hepburn seemed happy enough with it; according to the WSJ, in her 1996 memoir Me, she referred to its locale, in the Old Saybrook enclave of Fenwick, as a paradise.

   It sounds like it’ll soon have a new neighbor in the form of the 3,000-square-foot house Sciame plans to build on one of the other lots.

Until next time>                               “never forget”

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