“Forgotten Hollywood”- Golden Glare…

Posted on March 5, 2020 by raideoman1 | No Comments

Manny P. here…

“`The Golden Girls may have been off the air since 1992, but the women are as popular as ever. It seems that every day there are new Golden Girls products. The latest is a windshield sun shade sold on Amazon and Target’s website. This is perfect for summer since it is right around the corner!

“`Many younger generations are becoming obsessed with the classic show. Others have been fans since the show’s inception in 1985.

“`The Golden Girls windshield sun shade is made from vinyl. It blocks harmful UV rays from the sun and keeps your car cool while you are out and about. It features the ladies sitting in their car.

“`The standard size fits most cars and trucks. The measurement is 57″ x 28″, and it costs around $30. If you’re interested, purchase it on Amazon! You can also find it on Target’s website.

“`Happy to throw you some shade.

Until next time>                               “never forget”

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