“Forgotten Hollywood”- Founding Father Goes Home…

Posted on June 10, 2018 by raideoman1 | No Comments

Manny P. here…

“`The blockbuster musical Hamilton is finally traveling to the nation’s capital and its citizenry is preparing for the visit. Lin-Manuel Miranda’s  historical musical about the life of Alexander Hamilton is starting three months at the Kennedy Center.

“`Ironically,  Hamilton would not spend much of his professional career in Washington. The United States capital was in Philadelphia while he served as the nation’s first treasury secretary; and the federal government didn’t move to Washington until 1800, four years before his death.

“`The myriad museums of modern Washington have been preparing specialized exhibits. The Postal Museum has already launched an exhibit —  Alexander Hamilton: Soldier, Secretary, Icon and it includes mail, portraits, and postage stamps reflective of his life. A highlight of the exhibit are the two flintlock pistols made of walnut, brass, and gold that were used in the July 11, 1804 duel with Vice President Aaron Burr, resulting Hamilton’s demise. These pistols are on loan from the private collection of JP Morgan Chase and Co.

“`The Library of Congress is unveiling its own Hamilton display, drawing on its collection of more than 12,000 of Hamilton’s papers and documents. Miranda based his musical on a 2004 biography, Alexander Hamilton by Ron Chernow, which drew from the same material. Also, there is material chronicling a historic meal between Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson.

“`The Library of Congress is supplementing the physical exhibit by making a vast number of Hamilton-related papers accessible online. These include the Reynolds Pamphlet, his 100-page public response to his involvement in the first American political sex scandal.

“`With a song in their heart, the District of Columbia is mad about the boy.

Until next time>                               “never forget”

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