“Forgotten Hollywood”- Faye Dunaway Dearest…

Posted on July 26, 2019 by raideoman1 | No Comments

Manny P. here…

“`Faye Dunaway has been fired from a Broadway-bound production of the one-woman play Tea at Five. The Oscar-winning co-star of Network was playing Katharine Hepburn in the show. It concluded a three-week run in Boston before due to transfer to New York.

“`On Wednesday, producers Ben Feldman and Scott Beck announced in a statement that they would no longer be working with Dunaway. The exact reasoning behind her removal has not been confirmed but sources say the actor had been difficult to work with, and creating a hostile work environment, and there were allegations of altercations with crew members.

“`During the Boston run, Dunaway was often up to two hours late for rehearsals, and never bothered to learn her lines; difficult to pull off, it being a one-woman show. She got through previous performances of the play by being given lines through an earpiece. This week, the volatile actress became verbally abusive and started throwing objects at the crew, allegedly threatening to their safety.

“`The production would have marked her first time on Broadway in thirty-seven years. Faye was set to replace Glenn Close in 1994’s Los Angeles production of Sunset Boulevard, but Andrew Lloyd Webber instead shut down the musical, blaming her poor singing.  Rumors of problematic behavior have dogged Dunaway for much of her career.  Roman Polanski called her a gigantic pain in the ass on the set of Chinatown.

“`Representatives for Faye Dunaway (above) and the production have yet to comment.

Until next time>                               “never forget”

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