“Forgotten Hollywood”- Everybody Visits Max Factor…

Posted on May 17, 2023 by raideoman1 | No Comments

Manny P. here…

“`I am thrilled to be returning to Everybody with Angela Williamson airing on KLCS, a PBS station. We will be taping this Friday on location at the Hollywood Museum  (in the historic Max Factor Building).


“`Dr. Williamson is an award-winning documentary filmmaker and a college professor. She is also my friend. Her celebrated work is My Life with Rosie, a film about the journey of Rosa Parks. And as the host of her weekly program, Angela finds great cultural and societal stories told by interesting personalities.

“`Max Factor, Hollywood’s Makeup King, created the glamour of Hollywood’s Golden Era stars, such as Joan Crawford, Bette Davis, Judy Garland, Jean Harlow, Katharine Hepburn, Mae West and Marlene Dietrich. Factor’s son carried on the family tradition as he curated the look of Ava Gardner, Marilyn Monroe and many more.

“`The Hollywood Museum showcases the most extensive collection of movie and television memorabilia in the world. The repository, with four floors of breathtaking exhibits, is home to more than 10,000 authentic show biz artifacts, including costumes, photographs, posters and props. The museum is located at 1660 N. Highland Ave. They are open Wednesday – Sunday, 10a – 5p.

“`Some workdays are just better than others!

Until next time>                               “never forget”

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