“Forgotten Hollywood” – Disney Going Green…

Posted on July 27, 2018 by raideoman1 | No Comments

Manny P. here… 

“`The Walt Disney Company’s total commitment to environmental stewardship dates back to their establishment more than sixty years ago.  Today, they are offering another important step in a journey to environmental goals. By mid-2019, The Walt Disney Company will stop using single-use plastic straws and plastic stirrers at all off their owned and operated locations across the globe. A mission statement outlines their complete commitment to going green.

“`Since 1995, the Disney Conservation Fund has allocated over seventy million dollars to stop the decline of wildlife around the world. They have also reduced company net greenhouse gas emissions by forty-one percent in 2017,  and have diverted almost fifty percent of waste from landfills and incineration in 2017, making significant progress on a long-term goal of attaining a net zero greenhouse gas emissions and zero waste, while conserving water resources.

“`In addition, over the next few years, they are transitioning to refillable in-room amenities in their hotels and on their cruise ships, reducing plastics in guest rooms by eighty percent. They will also lower the number of plastic shopping bags at their owned and operated parks and on their cruise line, offering their guests the option to purchase reusable bags at a nominal price. Finally, they will eliminate polystyrene cups across their global businesses. These simple steps are part of an effort to reduce single-use plastics, and responsibly dispose of single-use waste that cannot be eliminated.

“`Looking ahead, they will continue to make progress on their long-term sustainability goals.

Until next time>                               “never forget”

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