“Forgotten Hollywood”- Circle of Insight: Interview Two…

Posted on March 7, 2015 by raideoman1 | No Comments

Manny P. here…

TCLogo   Part 02 of my visit with Dr. Carlos Vazquez on his Circle of Insight program on the TherapyCable Channel is up and running. The program offered me the opportunity to chat about many of the character actors and supporting players that appear in my Forgotten Hollywood Book Series, including Peter Lorre, Sydney Greenstreet, Boris Karloff, Cesar Romero, and David Niven (among others).

   Click on the link below (or cut and paste) to enjoy the program:

Forgotten Hollywood - Interview Two


   It is an absolute joy to share these stories with the esteemed Dr. Vazquez. He has just agreed to write the Introduction to my third work in the Forgotten Hollywood literary series, set for release later this year.

circle of insight

   At TherapyCable.com, healthcare finally gets a facelift with dedicated broadcasting, video marketing, multimedia expression, utilization of mobile technology, and optimization of target markets. TherapyCable’s multimedia programs are available as a live stream, or on demand, under multiple categories linked to each specific provider’s profiles.

   Enjoy and share the link to anyone who love a good conversation about classic cinema.

Until next time>                               “never forget”

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