“Forgotten Hollywood”- Funding To End w/ Bowling & Humor!

Posted on May 12, 2013 by raideoman1 | No Comments

Manny P. here…

180px-Indiegogo_vertical_black_logo   Our Indiegogo Crowd Funding campaign to raise money on our Forgotten Hollywood Documentary Project will officially end on May 18th at Westminster Lanes in Orange County. The bowling facility has graciously donated their location to allow folks to bowl for prizes and cash. Here are the details:

westminster-lanes-logo   The Forgotten Hollywood Bowling Bash begins with signups at noon. Three games of scratch bowling begins at 1p, with prizes for Best Bowlers (m/f); Worst Bowlers (m/f); and a series of incentive games, including a Strike Ball (prize); Brackets (cash); and a 50/50 Drawing (cash)… And, all for just $20. In addition, lanes will be set aside for your children (18 and under) for just $10. We have compiled really delicious prizes, such as autographed Los Angeles Angels baseball memorabilia; a DVD box-set of the I Love Lucy series; a Karaoke Morph-1 system; and a Nikon CoolPix S4200 Camera!

angels logo    NIKON    Lucy    MORPH-1 Karaoke System

   Participants who donate at least $20 will be able to attend a 10 Pins Comedy Club show in June at the Westminster Lanes Press Box lounge at 8p. Even if you decide not to bowl, your contribution will guarantee entrance to the Comedy extravaganza. This bowling event is family-friendly; the Comedy show is for adults. What a great way to enjoy and afternoon and evening of fun.

13 lionel barrymore drawing  forgottenhollywood logo

                   LIONEL BARRYMORE

   All proceeds will benefit our Development of the Forgotten Hollywood Documentary Pilot. The topic of this feature will be Lionel Barrymore and his influence on theatre-going audiences to view folks with disabilities. His decision to continue working while in a wheelchair benefitted charities, including The National Arthritis Foundation, The March of Dimes, and today’s Rotary Club’s PolioPlus Program. It’s a wonderful almost-forgotten tales that needs to be shared with today’s generation of film audiences. Monies raised will be used to:

  1. Hire a research archivist to compile footage & photos; and secure licensing
  2. Hire a consultant / casting director to book actors and behind-the-scenes folks from Hollywood’s Golden Age; plus cinematic historians for original interviews
  3. Set up a production shoot to tape these candid moments    

   THANKS to Mike at Westminster Lanes for this worthy contribution! Westminster Lanes is located at 6471 Westminster Blvd. in Westminster, CA. If you reside in the Southern California area, please plan on attending, and join in on the fun!

Until next time>                               “never forget”

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