“Forgotten Hollywood”- Book Series Milestones…

Posted on June 21, 2012 by raideoman1 | No Comments

Manny P. here…

   The Forgotten Hollywood Book Series has reached a couple of notable milestones. Thanks to purchases made by the Fullerton Sunrise Rotary Breakfast fellowship, here’s what I can report:

   2500 copies of Forgotten Hollywood Forgotten History have been purchased (paperbacks and eBooks). If you count just the First Edition copies sold, we’re a little short of 2400 actual books in the hands of readers, globally. On September 15th, I plan on donating $2400+ to Mooseheart… my official charity in an official ceremony. Dignitaries will include regional Moose International officers and local Orange County, CA press.

   300 copies of Son of Forgotten Hollywood Forgotten History are now in the sales column. The really good news is this doesn’t include the 50+ confirmed purchased by libraries nationwide. A three-month lag from business sales (bookstores, libraries, etc.)  to collections-through-distribution exists. There is an outstanding chance, I’ve sold closer to 400 of my latest work over the last six months.


   I show my appreciation for each book sold, which I happily do every single day…

Until next time>                               “never forget”

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