“Forgotten Hollywood”- A Moment of Documentary Support!

Posted on May 31, 2014 by raideoman1 | No Comments

Manny P. here… John Kobara

   We are still receiving monetary support for our production of the Forgotten Hollywood Documentary Pilot. Here are the latest details:

~ JOHN E. KOBARA ($200) – A dear friend from my UCLA past. John was the Community Services Commissioner for two years. I was his Asst. Commissioner while attending the Westwood university in the late 1970s.

   Currently, John is a remarkable social entrepreneur. He’s Executive Vice President and COO of California Community Foundation. Founded in 1915, CCF is a leading philanthropic organizations in Los Angeles County, managing more than $1 billion in assets. Each year, it gives out more than $150 million in grants to invest in the future of our local communities. The foundation partners with individual donors, and supports nonprofit organizations to address diverse and dynamic needs of our communities. The expertise and commitment of CCF enables individuals, families and organizations to fulfill their charitable goals and dreams. To learn more, visit the foundation’s web site at calfund.org.

   Kobara is also an active board member of Walden University. In the recent past, he was the President and CEO of Big Brothers/Big Sisters of Greater Los Angeles. This is one person immersed in the spirit of giving back to the community!

   I’m proud to call him my friend…


   The FORGOTTEN HOLLYWOOD Documentary Pilot shares the seldom-discussed story of Lionel Barrymore’s desire to carry on with his career after a diagnosis of advanced arthritis.

Forgotten Hollywood Documentary Logo - new   13 lionel barrymore drawing

   Barrymore’s decision influenced the pioneering government fight to eradicate polio through the March of Dimes campaign. He also motivated President Franklin Roosevelt and Helen Keller to carry on their personal and professional battles against disability. Their paths shaped our nation’s way we perceive folks with crippling disease; and forever changed Hollywood’s notion of the handicapped. It’s a gripping story that continues to resonate with my readers of Forgotten Hollywood Forgotten History.

Until next time>                               “never forget”

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