“Forgotten Hollywood”- Guest on the Cable Radio Network!

Posted on March 28, 2010 by raideoman1 | No Comments

Manny P. here…

   I’ll be back on the radio this Monday, April 5th at 4pm on the Cable Radio Network. It’s called The PM Show, and hosted by my long-time friend – Mike Horn.

   There are several choices on the website, so there will be plenty of opportunities for you to hear the program. Here is the schedule:  (the link is below)

CRN #1 4pm (live) – 8pm (recorded)  / CRN #4 9pm (recorded)

The 9pm show will simulcast on KSPA 1510AM, Ontario, CA (on your radio dial)


CRN Logo

   Of course, I will be talking about Forgotten Hollywood Forgotten History. I will also reveal my book-signing appearances during the interview, and where you can obtain my paperback.

   The PM Show features a wide variety of subjects including current entertainment, coming attractions, insider info, headlines, issues, cable television highlights, etc. Check out the on-air fun!

Until next time>                               “never forget”

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