“Forgotten Hollywood”- WOO HOO… Over 2200 Books sold!

Posted on October 18, 2011 by raideoman1 | No Comments

Manny P. here…headernalc

These past few weeks have really been extraordinary in terms of book sales. Forgotten Hollywood Forgotten History has now encouraged cash registers to ring over 2200 times! Some of the highlights include:

* Danforth Distribution just reported a September disbursement of almost 50 copies

Danforth top-title

* The Duarte Festival of Authors and the Niguel Shores Women’s Club guests were more than willing to buy two dozen paperbacks during my recent visits


* Orders were authorized by the Hollywood Mega store chain and Bev’s Boutique at the  Beverly Garland Holiday Inn for an additional two dozen books.


* Several copies have been individually purchased as an eBook on the Amazon Kindle and Barnes & Noble Nook sites

nook-logo     kindle-logo-rgb-lg

   We are entering another holiday season prepared to sell out the first run of the book. This means a second edition printing of Forgotten Hollywood Forgotten History is inevitable. And, the upcoming sequel of my special series of books is currently being designed for mass distribution.

Until next time>                               “never forget”

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