“Forgotten Hollywood”- Wilshire Rotary Promotes Literacy!

Posted on May 17, 2012 by raideoman1 | No Comments

Manny P. here…

   The self-proclaimed Friendliest Rotary Club in the Region did not disappoint. Held at the legendary Ebell of Los Angeles, the Wilshire Rotary conducted their Wednesday meeting at noon. During the luncheon, a variety of upcoming events were discussed; a recent international trip was shared; and friends of the Rotary (including a member from Virginia) were introduced. We even sang a chorus of Blue Skies (by Irving Berlin).


   After my presentation, which shared tales about Hollywood’s Golden Age, I was engaged with a lively Q&A. Then, a surprising presentation was made. Outgoing President Kyle Pierce gave me a Certificate of Appreciation. According to this most special of keep-sakes:

Perhaps more than any other challenge facing Brazil today, illiteracy remains a stumbling block in establishing itself as one of the world’s most powerful nations. Their public education system is consistently under-funded, inefficiently run, and to top it off, disproportionately benefitting the wealthy.

A contribution has been made in (Manny Pacheco’s) name to the humanitarian programs sponsored by our club, including a literacy development project for underprivileged kids in Brazil…

The concept is simple; investing in education builds economies, stabilizes democracies, and enriches the minds of future generations. Rotarians with their capacity for leadership and grassroots connections are able to make a difference. We reach within ourselves to embrace humanity.


   What a gracious gift of humanity and generosity by the Wilshire Rotary of Los Angeles. They are known to completely embrace the concept of Service Above Self. I can never repay the kindness presented by the membership. AMEN to this fine group of folks!

   Here’s a link to the Wilshire Rotary of Los Angeles website:


Until next time>                               “never forget”

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