“Forgotten Hollywood”- Widow Authorizes Mike Nichols Book.

Posted on May 16, 2015 by raideoman1 | No Comments

Manny P. here…

   With the consent of Diane Sawyer, a book on the late Mike Nichols is in the works. Penguin Press announced Friday that it had reached a deal with Mark Harris, author of the acclaimed film histories, Pictures at a Revolution and Five Came Back. The new book will be called Mike Nichols: A Biography, and has the support of Sawyer, his widow, and most other family members, according to Penguin.

   Nichols, one of the most honored film and stage directors of his time, died last Fall. Harris initially interviewed Nichols a few years ago for Pictures at a Revolution, a comprehensive take on five major movies of 1967, including Nichols’ The Graduate.             DIANE SAWYER / MIKE NICHOLS ——->

   A release date has not been set. When you read finally the upcoming work, remember one word…. plastics!

Until next time>                               “never forget”

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