“Forgotten Hollywood”- Key Largo Aboard African Queen!

Posted on April 15, 2012 by raideoman1 | No Comments

Manny P. here…

   Talk about mixing your Bogie-metaphors! The African Queen has been restored to offer tours along Key Largo, Florida. Set to be scrapped, the steamboat instead was given a heavy facelift to the delight of tourists. It took $60,000 to fix.

   The wooden slip was built in 1912 by the British East Africa Railway Company, and was the official transport for missionaries, big game hunters, and cargo through the Belgian Congo and Uganda. Huston and Sam Spiegal purchased the boat in 1950, giving it a focal personality throughout this classic.

   It’s fantastic to see a national treasure restored, bringing back a bit of cinematic history to a new generation of film lovers.



   The Buena Park Historical Society is currently housing Son of Forgotten Hollywood Forgotten HistoryCalifornia Welcome  Center is right next door, and this location has a quaint gift shop. Patrons visiting Orange County seem to have a vast curious nature about everything classic Hollywood, so its is a great partnership.

   While at the Center, you can pick up statewide tourist-site maps,  Knott’s Berry Farm’s famous jellies; and spin their wheel-of-fortune to win cool prizes.

   The Buena Park Historical Society is located at 6631 Beach Blvd. (near the 5 freeway), and is a non-profit organization. Their tour is a fascinating look at living conditions during early Orange County in the houses of the founding fathers of Buena Park, California.

   Below is a link to the Buena Park Historical Society website:


    Here’s the specific link to the Buena Park Chapter of the California Welcome Center:


   Historical societies and tourist centers, in general, are astounding places to carry my Book Series, since my paperbacks combine Hollywood history with American folklore.

Until next time>                               “never forget”

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