“Forgotten Hollywood”- Therapy Cable / A Vintage Moment…

Posted on October 6, 2015 by raideoman1 | No Comments

Manny P. here…

   I personally invite you to the TherapyCable Channel Circle of Insight program with host Carlos Vazquez, as he interviews the lovely and talented Ginger Pauley, a song-stylist and expert on everything vintage. I co-host this insightful program.

Circle of Insight logo   TCLogo   Circle of Insight - Ginger Pauley

   Here is the link (click or copy-and-paste) to watch this scintillating half hour of conversation:


Forgotten Hollywood - Therapy Cable logo   TherapyCable is also home to my Forgotten Hollywood web-based television program. Let me personally offer my thanks to Dr. Vazquez for giving me the opportunity to co-host his fine Circle of Insight show.



My Edmonds News logo

   Thank you to MY Edmonds News for writing such a rich review of my initial paperback – Forgotten Hollywood Forgotten History. The author is Wendy Kendall, a writer, project manager, and volunteer at the Edmonds Library. She writes:

Forgotten Hollywood coverManny Pacheco’s fascinating book shares incredible stories of the character actors and supporting players who brought American history to life on the screen during the days of old Hollywood. The author brings his additional insight, analyzing these actors’ body of work to show how they have also created history themselves… Enhancing his story about these actors and their historical works are some delightful pictures of them, their films, and also the real historical people and events…

Manny Pacheco is steeped in the world of Hollywood. He’s been a broadcaster in Los Angeles and Southern California for over three decades, and he’s a 30-year member of the Screen Actors Guild. A student of history and a movie fan, he’s blended his two passions in this book. He keeps very busy with an engaging website that also includes interviews, events, and articles. He also has other books, including Son of Forgotten Hollywood Book 2 published in 2012.

   Again, thanks Wendy for making my book a Recommended Read! Here are links to the complete review:



Until next time>                               “never forget”

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