“Forgotten Hollywood”- Sons of the Albuquerque Desert…

Posted on August 14, 2022 by raideoman1 | No Comments

Manny P. here…

“`It is here! The Sons of the Desert 23rd International Convention happens this week in Albuquerque.  The event annually celebrates the creative filmaking of arguably the greatest cinematic pairing in Hollywood history… Laurel and Hardy!

“`The attendees include fans from every corner of the globe. Each local chapter is called a tent and each of the tents are named after L&H movies. At the event, there will be film screenings, an authors roundtable, dealer’s room, memorabilia auction, sight-seeing tours and a grand banquet. Another nice mess begins this Wednesday at the Hotel Albuquerque.

“`I arrive on Wednesday! I am part of the author’s roundtable on Thursday evening and I will spend lots of time at the dealer’s room autographing my Forgotten Hollywood book series and providing other goodies. I previously visited a Sons of the Desert International Convention when it took place in Hollywood. I also stopped by and spent treasured time at the Early to Bed tent in South Pasadena.


“`How thrilling to put on my fez and go conventioneering! Hope to see you in Albuquerque!

Until next time>                               “never forget”

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