“Forgotten Hollywood”- Richard J. Riordan Library: VOTE!

Posted on October 19, 2012 by raideoman1 | No Comments

Manny P. here…

   The Richard J. Riordan Main Branch Public Library is showcasing the upcoming election. The message is clear: Exercise your right to vote. It’s an American gift  promoted through literacy.

   This locale has politics fever! We’ve all been watching the debates, reading the news, and anticipating Tuesday, November 6th. It only makes sense their newest window display  features an array of election-related goodies. The Richard J. Riordan Library is at Flower and Fifth St., in the heart of Downtown, Los Angeles.


   As a special election day treat, come by The Library Store on November 6th, 2012, and they will give you a special Voter Discount if you show them your I VOTED sticker! No matter who you endorse or what Measure you support… Democrat or Republican… just make sure to VOTE!

   I’m proud the Forgotten Hollywood Book Series are both on the shelves of this intimate gift shop. The original Forgotten Hollywood Forgotten History has also been tapped as a reference copy at the Richard J. Riordan Library.

Until next time>                               “never forget”

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