“Forgotten Hollywood”- Queen Celebrates a Milestone…

Posted on September 9, 2015 by raideoman1 | No Comments

Manny P. here…800px-Her_Majesty_Queen_Elizabeth_II

   Queen Elizabeth II has reached a major milestone by becoming the longest-reigning monarch in Britain’s history. She passes Queen Victoria, her great-great-grandmother, who was on the throne for 63 years and seven months. Prime Minister David Cameron said Wednesday that millions of Brits would celebrate the queen’s historic moment.

   Elizabeth came to the throne in 1952 upon the death of her father, King George VI. She was touring a remote part of Kenya when news of his passing arrived. Her coronation came the following year, and was one of the first major public events televised in Britain.           QUEEN ELIZABETH II —>

   Buckingham Palace marked the event by releasing an official photograph of the queen taken by Mary McCartney, a photographer who is the daughter of former Beatle Paul McCartney.

   The 89-year-old monarch has cut back on her international travel and has lightened her work load somewhat, but she still carries out many royal duties. She does not intend to abdicate, though the proportion of the sovereign’s duties performed by Prince Charles is expected to continue to increase as Elizabeth, who will celebrate her ninetieth birthday in 2016, reduces her commitments.

   God save the Queen!

Until next time>                               “never forget”

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