“Forgotten Hollywood”- Early Hitler Letter Unearthed!

Posted on June 12, 2011 by raideoman1 | No Comments

Manny P. here… Hitler_1914_1918

   The Simon Wiesenthal Center has acquired a rare document confirming Adolf Hitler’s long-standing anti-Semitic bigotry. A spokesperson for the Jewish center calls it: the most significant document in its 34-year history.

643px-Mein_Kampf_dust_jacket   Hitler’s obsessive hostility can be directly linked from his unique ability to galvanize troops as a corporal in the German army during World War I. He expressed his success through virulant oratory in a personal letter to his superior officer. Dated September 16, 1919, this four-page note  openly espoused his political philosophy: An inner hatred of Jews and his desire to see them exterminated. This correspondence was written six years before the publication of Mein Kampf.

   His ideas were galvanized after the Treaty of Versailles, when Germany was made to pay heavy reparations by the Allied Powers. While Jewish businesses thrived despite widespread poverty throughout The Fatherland, the rise of extremists like Nazi’s were inevitable.

   According to Rabbi Marvin Heir, Wiesenthal Center Dean and Founder:

What began as a private letter, one man’s opinion, twenty-two years later became the ‘Magna Carta’ of an entire nation and led to the nearly total extinction of the Jewish people. This is an important lesson for future generations…

Demagogues mean what they say and given the opportunity, carry out what they promise. In terms of the Holocaust, we have nothing that would compare to this document.

   The letter is on display at the Museum of Tolerance in Los Angeles beginning July 16th.

Until next time>                        “never forget…please”

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