“Forgotten Hollywood”- Paying Last Respects for Hoffman…

Posted on February 8, 2014 by raideoman1 | No Comments

Manny P. here…hoffman

   If there is any indication on the impact Philip Seymour Hoffman had on the film industry, it was shown through a series of memorial services these past few days. Industry leaders were omni-present at a wake and private funeral, which included actors, directors, and news anchors.

   On Thursday evening, the wake was held at the Frank E. Campbell Funeral Home, which has orchestrated funerals for celebrities such as Jacqueline Onassis and James Cagney. Among the mourners was Amy Adams, who co-starred with Hoffman in the films Doubt and The Master. Other notables in attendance included Joaquin Phoenix, Cate Blanchett, and Diane Sawyer.   PHILIP SEYMOUR HOFFMAN —>

   An intimate funeral was held on Friday at Church of St. Ignatius Loyola. Paying their final respects were Adams, Blanchett, Sawyer, Phoenix, Meryl Streep, Ellen Burstyn, Marisa Tomei, Michelle Williams, Julianne Moore, Mary Louise Parker, Brian Dennehey, John Slattery, Louis C.K., Chris Rock, Jerry Stiller, Ethan Hawke, and directors Spike Lee and Mike Nichols. Many of those who were in attendance had professional stage and screen ties to Hoffman.

   The coffin holding Philip Seymour Hoffman’s body was brought out by pallbearers and put in a hearse as family and guests began to stream out. Police officers didn’t allow anyone to linger on the block outside the church, and the media was penned in an area far from the mourners.

   A larger memorial service is being planned for later this month.

Until next time>                               “never forget”

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