“Forgotten Hollywood”- Paramount’s Birthday in Photos!
Paramount Pictures is officially 100! The studio has released some knockout photos. As my good friend, Gary Lycan, would say on our Forgotten Hollywood radio program: Here is the back story…
Paramount was born from New York-based businessman Adolph Zukor in 1912. He invested $40,000 in a French film production of Queen Elizabeth, starring stage actress Sarah Bernhardt, in return for distribution rights. Zukor showed the film at New York’s Lyceum Theater on July 12th (despite threats from the motion picture trust ruled by Thomas Edison), and then in roadshow screenings across the country. The 40-minute film – the first backed feature length movie in the United States – was a success.
Zukor then formed Famous Players Film Company, and its first production was The Count of Monte Cristo. Through mergers (and later, bankruptcy), Famous Players eventually became Paramount Pictures.
The Hollywood studio, with its iconic gates, created classic films, and featured memorable moments from screen stars. Zukor died in 1976 at the age of 103.
As Bob Hope famously recited… Thanks for the memories!
Portions of this story were written by CBS News. Photos provided by Paramount Pictures.
Until next time> “never forget”
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