“Forgotten Hollywood” Monster Month in El Segundo…

Posted on October 1, 2014 by raideoman1 | No Comments

Manny P. here…

   October is here! This is the month that celebrates ghouls, goblins, witches, and assorted monsters, You can expect a flurry of thrillers on Turner Classic Movies. But, if you are in Los Angeles, why not watch great horror flicks on the big screen.


   A great place to watch these motion pictures is the Old Town Music Hall by the South Bay beaches of sunny Southern California. Every weekend, and all month through November 2nd, expect chills and thrills from Hollywood’s Golden Age. Here is the lineup:

old town music hall


Friday 8:15PM
Saturday 2:30PM and 8:15PM 
Sunday 2:30PM

NOTE: Every show begins with music played on the pipe organ, an audience sing along,
and a comedy short. There is a 15-minute intermission, followed by the feature film.

Admission: $10.00 ($8.00 for seniors 62+)

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   Several of the actors featured appear in my Forgotten Hollywood Book Series, including Claude Rains and Lon Chaney Jr., Bring the kids to this family friendly event.

   The Old Town Music Hall is at 140 Richmond Ave. in El Segundo.

Until next time>                               “never forget

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