“Forgotten Hollywood”- Memories of MooseHeart…

Posted on August 4, 2010 by raideoman1 | No Comments

Manny P. here…picture-38234

   Author Elizabeth Marcheschi of Denver, Colorado recently found out about my donation of $1 of every book sold of Forgotten Hollywood Forgotten History’s first printing to the MooseHeart charity outside of Chicago, Il. It prompted her to send a very kind message.  She writes:

I remember driving past MooseHeart as a child. In my memories, it always seems to be during the holidays, but perhaps that was when I thought about it most. My parents would always patiently explain to me how MooseHeart was there to take care of orphans.

Conversely, I had an ulterior motive. My campaign to change my status from “only” child to “oldest child, started virtually from the day I was born at Copley Hospital in Aurora (not far from MooseHeart). Since I was born on their fourteenth wedding anniversary, my parents were reproductively challenged or reproductively uncooperative. Thus, around the age of four, I changed tactics. I began (obsessively, perhaps) suggesting that they adopt. MooseHeart, in my mind was the perfect place to find a sibling. By that point, I was willing to accept any position in birth order from youngest to oldest. My parents, fooled me by changing their spin on MooseHeart, telling me that, if anything happened to them, MooseHeart was there.

In 1968, it did. My mother died, making me a half-orphan, and MooseHeart became a safety net in my mind. Later, my father remarried, I gained a pair of younger step-sisters to love and occasionally tyrannize. I grew into a teenager, went away to college, and eventually moving to Southern California. There, from home and family, I spoke to my step-sisters often by phone. On one of those phone calls, my youngest step-sister, Jennie, mentioned that she and her husband were active in their local Moose Lodge, I thought back to MooseHeart. I thought of their two then-tiny daughters, and relaxed, knowing that if anything happened to all of us, MooseHeart would always be there for my nieces.

Thank you for thinking of MooseHeart in your generosity.

Moose banner

   MooseHeart is a wonderful organization. For more information on my charity, please use the Navigation Bar to your left and click on the link. And, thank you Elizabeth for sharing your childhood memories.

Until next time>                               “never forget”

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