“Forgotten Hollywood”- Mandy’s Moment in Hollywood…

Posted on February 14, 2018 by raideoman1 | No Comments

Manny P. here…

“`A star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame honoring Emmy and Tony-winning thespian Mandy Patinkin was unveiled on Monday, a day after the seventh-season premiere of his Showtime series, Homeland. The star is the 2,629th since the completion of the Walk of Fame in 1961 with the first 1,558 stars.

“`Patinkin’s cinematic career include Inigo Montoya in The Princess BrideAlien Nation, YentlRagtimeand Dick Tracy.  Television performances include award-winning roles in Chicago Hope, The Larry Sanders Show, Criminal Minds and Dead Like Me. Patinkin portrayed Che in Evita on Broadway.

“`As Inigo might say:

Hello. My name is Mandy Patinkin. You gave me a Star in Hollywood. Prepare to celebrate!

“`The ceremony was live-streamed on walkoffame.com.

Until next time>                               “never forget”

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