“Forgotten Hollywood”- Lilies Lost…

Posted on September 8, 2019 by raideoman1 | No Comments

Manny P. here…

“`Over twenty-three relatives of Sidney Poitier are missing after Hurricane Dorian slammed the Bahamas last week. Around five hundred Bahamians belong to the extended family of the iconic Hollywood actor, who also grew up on the Caribbean island.

“`Poitier was born in Miami to Bahamian parents, but he moved to Nassau, Bahamas as a young child. His nephew has gone public in hopes to find the missing relatives.            SIDNEY POITIER —>

“`The acclaimed actor has not been available for comment.


“`Please join me on Wednesday for my visit to the Hawthorne Public Library. I will be providing my Forgotten Hollywood Book Series to the patrons of the repository. The program starts at 6p.

“`The library is located at 12700 Grevillea Ave. in Hawthorne. I hope to see you there!

Until next time>                               “never forget”

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