“Forgotten Hollywood”- Laurie Pacheco Visits Book Fest!

Posted on July 26, 2012 by raideoman1 | No Comments

Manny P. here…

   Last month, I found out Son of Forgotten Hollywood Forgotten History won its second literary award. The accolade was provided by the 2012 Hollywood Book Festival in the Biography / Autobiography category. A gala was held over the weekend at the Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel to honor all of the book winners and finalists.


                                                                                      LAURIE PACHECO

   Unfortunately, I was unable to attend because of a prior commitment. My wife Laurie acted in my stead. By all accounts, she was gracious and eloquent in the acceptance of my award. Laurie doesn’t enjoy the opportunity to be a public speaker, so I really appreciate her efforts.

   I’m proud of Laurie Pacheco… my soul mate and my best friend!



   An iconic film theater in Columbia, South Carolina is moving to a state-of-the-art location along its Main Street. The debut of the new Nickelodeon Theatre is set for Friday, August 31st. During its final month at the original locale, a classic film and indie fest will feature 33 award-winning motion pictures. This is their way of thanking patrons for their loyal support.

   Among the fine cinematic treats: Sunset Boulevard (8/10); Casablanca (8/10); Annie Hall (8/11); Rear Window (8/14);  Touch of Evil (8/14); Cinema Paradiso (8/16); and Lost in Translation (8/23). A party will follow the double-bill of The King’s Speech and The Artist (8/26).

   What a classy way to say goodbye to this audience-friendly location! Here’s a link to their website for a complete listing of movies:


Until next time>                               “never forget”

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