“Forgotten Hollywood”- JFK’s Centennial Legacy…

Posted on November 23, 2017 by raideoman1 | No Comments

Manny P. here… 

“`A year of events marking the 100th anniversary of President John F. Kennedy’s birth drew to a close, 54 years after his assassination by  Lee Harvey Oswald, during that fateful day in Dallas on November. 22nd, 1963. It was the end of what Jackie Kennedy labeled Camelot.

“`National park rangers laid wreaths outside Kennedy’s childhood home in Brookline, Massachusetts; plus a 21-gun salute by an honor guard. These observances were held at  John Fitzgerald Kennedy National Historic Site; and administered by the National Park Service. Folks of all ages attended the somber event.

“`The nation’s 35th President was born in the Boston suburb on May 29th, 1917. Over the past year, numerous conferences and other events have been held, worldwide, to examine JFK’s legacy, and imagine his impact had he survived.

“`As we reflect… The Jack Kennedy legacy lives on; a martyr brandishing an eternal flame at Arlington National Cemetery. You can almost imagine Jon Jon saluting his fallen father.

Until next time>                               “never forget”

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