“Forgotten Hollywood”- Gone with the Wind Not Going Away…

Posted on July 4, 2015 by raideoman1 | No Comments

Manny P. here…

   Calm down, folks… No one in the Federal Government is planning to ban Gone with the Wind from purchase or future theatrical screenings.

   A New York Post columnist last week  started the fuss by suggesting the classic flick and its themes were suspect in its romanticizing of the Confederate war against the states. He concluded by asking his readers to consider (as he surmised):  The offensively sympathetic celluloid portrayal of slavery and enshrining the falsehood that the Civil War wasn’t fought over slavery — in the wake of the Charleston church slaughter.

Gone with the Wind satire photo   The reason for the panic:  Ultra-conservative  social media sites suggested the Post writer was a flaming socialist fanatic. They also piggy-backed the charge with an inflammatory photo still of a book-burning scene from the film — Fahrenheit 451. So called Fair-and-balanced websites decided to pick up the right wing slant, nationally, and suddenly, Gone with the Wind skyrocketed in popularity as of Friday. It seems, Americans do give a damn about the epic feature!

   Warner Brothers, which has distributed Gone with the Wind since 1996 (it has sold more theater tickets than any other film, ever), is a politically progressive company, sensitive and socially responsible enough about outdated racial attitudes to have placed disclaimers on some older films and cartoons. Still, they are a company with stockholders, and there is no way they are going to completely withdraw a film as lucrative as Gone with the Wind from circulation.

   Truth be told… Columnist Lou Lumenick stopped far short of calling for ANY  cinematic censorship; even for the more blatantly racist The Birth of a Nation. However, his soul-searching words caused a run on Gone with the Wind blu-ray purchases, surpassing sales of the highly popular Fifty Shades of Gray and American Sniper on Amazon.

   One can argue the merits of the Best Picture of 1939, but I assure you, this movie will not be banished to a museum for viewing. Meanwhile, the South Carolina State Assembly seems headed for voting to remove the Confederate flag from its premises as early as next week.

   By the way, HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Olivia de Havilland who  celebrated her 99th year, last week. She played Melanie Hamilton Wilkes in the motion picture classic.

   Oh, the GWTW poster above is meant simply as satire; that’s Ronald Reagan, Margaret Thatcher and an atomic bomb. My tongue is firmly planted against my cheek. It’s the kind of political humor that drives terrorist groups like ISIS crazy, and what makes America great.

   Have a safe-and-sane 4th of July

Until next time>                               “never forget”

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