“Forgotten Hollywood”- Costco Deal in Place!

Posted on January 13, 2010 by raideoman1 | No Comments

Manny P. here…

I have exciting news!

   A preliminary deal has been reached with Costco Wholesale chain to sell Forgotten Hollywood Forgotten History in two of their brick-and-mortar stores in Los Angeles County. The paperback should be available around February 15th at the Burbank and Hollywood locations. What a thrill to add this major store to the places where you can currently buy the book: The Paley Center for Media in Beverly Hills and The Granada Pavilion in Granada Hills.


   The Burbank address of Costco is 1051 Burbank Blvd. The LA address in Hollywood is 2901 Los Feliz Blvd. I’ll work the membership warehouses to provide appropriate signage for my work.

   I also plan on setting up book-signing appearances at both locations. I hope to set this up soon with the local Costco stores. You’ll be the first to know when the days are assigned for these book events.

Until next time>                               “never forget”

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