“Forgotten Hollywood”- Strangelove Gets a Nuclear Makeover

Posted on July 19, 2023 by raideoman1 | No Comments

Manny P. here…

“`The estate of Stanley Kubrick has given permission to adapt a theatre production of Dr. Strangelove that will premiere in London’s West End in 2024. Kubrick’s widow has confirmed that an updated stage play is in development and it is based on the 1964 political satire film that starred Peter Sellers, George C. Scott, Slim Pickens, Keenan Wynn, and Sterling Hayden. Discarded scenes and drafts of the original motion picture shall be incorporated into the play.

“`Today’s global worries resulting from actions by North Korea and by the Russian attack against the Ukraine makes this a uniquely relevent time to offer this satirical message. According to IndieWire:

“Dr. Strangelove parodies the American military responding to the Soviet Union attacks amid the Cold War, with a nuclear holocaust being unleashed in the process. The film was released in the wake of the Cuban Missile Crisis.” 

“`Oscar-nominated filmmaker Armando Iannucci is at the helm of this first-ever adaptation of a Kubrick property; Iannucci well known for political satires. The temperature of theatre-going audiences heading to see Oppenheimer will be measured to guage if this stage play has legs to eventually reach Broadway, since they are related in message. The West End venue has not yet been announced; the show will open in Fall 2024.

Until next time>                               “never forget”

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