“Forgotten Hollywood”- Debbie Reynolds Auction at Paley!

Posted on June 5, 2011 by raideoman1 | No Comments

Manny P. here… Paley logo-260x127

   Debbie Reynolds is set to sell most of her amazing collection of movie memorabilia at an auction to be held at the Paley Center for Media in Beverly Hills on Saturday, June 18th. According to the iconic actress in a recent interview conducted on the KSPA Radio Network, a number of the items include:

800px-The_Seven_Year_Itch_(Marilyn_Monroe's_skirt_blows_up)   480px-Charlie_Chaplin   ruby slippers

* Marilyn Monroe’s subway dress from The Seven Year Itch (expected to fetch approximately $1-2 million dollars)

a Charlie Chaplin-trademark bowler hat

* Vivien Leigh’s Gone with the Wind famous drape dress

Arabian motif early version of the ruby slippers from The Wizard of Oz

wardrobe worn by Elizabeth Taylor in Cleopatra

* Audrey Hepburn’s Ascot dress and hat from My Fair Lady

* Charlton Heston’s tunic, robe, and accessories from Ben-Hur

* items owned by Laurel & Hardy and Jack Benny

* props from Oscar-winning pictures (in just about every year the award was given)

movie scripts, design sketches, autographs, and Hollywood history documents

   The exhibit is open 12p-5p from Wednesday through Sunday over the next two weeks, and it’s completely free to check out for all visiting patrons! While you’re there, pick up a copy of Forgotten Hollywood Forgotten History in the Paley Center gift shop.

thecollection_title-150x150   For a chance to hear a re-broadcast of this charming conversation with Miss Debbie Reynolds on June 11th at 3pm (pst) on the Forgotten Hollywood radio program, please click on the web stream-link below:


Until next time>                               “never forget”

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