“Forgotten Hollywood”- Boys Town Minding the Mint…

Posted on August 1, 2017 by raideoman1 | No Comments

Manny P. here… 

“`Founded on December 12th, 1917,  Boys Town has grown from a single home for displaced children, to a nationally recognized leader, with over 2 million children and families benefiting from Boys Town programs.  With operations in 15 locations across the United States, Boys Town is dedicated to offering a variety of care and services to under-served communities across America.

“`Celebrating 100 years of service, the United States Mint proudly presents — Boys Town Centennial Commemorative Coins — honoring their history and success through their life–changing programs. Limited to 15,000 units;  each set includes the $5 proof gold coin, proof silver dollar, and the proof clad half dollar.

“`MGM honored the work of Father Flanagan with two motion pictures, which starred Spencer Tracy and Mickey Rooney. Tracy won a Oscar in 1938 for his performance in Boys Town. A sequel was made in 1941 called Men of Boys Town.

Until next time>                               “never forget”

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