“Forgotten Hollywood”- Biggest Oscars’ Gaffe Before 2017…

Posted on February 27, 2017 by raideoman1 | No Comments

Manny P. here…

“`The year was 1934, and it was the 6th Annual Academy Awards ceremony.  Humorist Will Rogers was at the lectern as the folksy host of the program. He was set to announce the Best Director for 1932-1933.

“`He began his introduction by chatting at length about his good friend, Frank. Roger’s went on to describe Frank’s rise to prominence. Here is what he said:

 Well, well, well, what do you know. I’ve watched this young man for a long time. Saw him come up from the bottom, and I mean the bottom. It couldn’t have happened to a nicer guy. Come up and get it, Frank!

“`Nominee Frank Capra jumped from his seat and was about halfway to the podium, believing he had won for Lady For A Day. Then, he suddenly realized the real winner was another nominee, Frank Lloyd for Cavalcade. Capra crept back to his seat, and later remarked:  It was the longest, saddest, most shattering walk in my life.  WILL ROGERS / FRANK LLOYD –>

“`Another embarrassing moment caused by Rogers happened during the announcement for Best Actress.  He invited nominees, May Robson and Diana Wynyard, to the speakers’ table, leading the audience to anticipate a tie. Will kissed them both, and told them they delivered sparkling performances.  Then, he announced the winner…  Katharine Hepburn for Morning Glory.  Ouch!

“`The following year, Will Rogers would die in a plane crash.  It remains to be seen how this conclusion of the 2017 Oscars’ telecast is handled by the press and the public. But one thing is certain: This will be remembered in Academy Awards’ lore for years to come. Bring on the social media satire…

Until next time>                               “never forget”

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