“Forgotten Hollywood”- Another Historic Locale Sells Book!

Posted on June 9, 2010 by raideoman1 | No Comments

Manny P. here…

   A new store is selling Forgotten Hollywood Forgotten History. The sister outlet to the Hollywoodland Experience has decided to carry my paperback. Located at the corner of Hollywood Blvd. and Highland Ave., Souvenirs of Hollywood is the newest location in our family.

hollywodsouvenirs store1

   This is the one of the most traveled spots by tourists who want to experience all that is Tinsel Town. According to their website:

The Zahavi Family have owned and operated four separate stores in Hollywood for 20 years and have developed a well-respected name within the community for style, taste, management, service, hard work and dedication. Through the years, their experiences have provided them with the ability to create a qualitative and well-presented inventory for their diversified clients.

With a constant eye on the latest trends in the Hollywood and entertainment industries, the Zahavis have continued to update their inventory and have retained the most recent licensed Hollywood specialty items from Disney, Warner Bros., Universal Studios and many others.


We have taken steps to bring Hollywood to everyone!

   My book is certainly available for their patrons from all over the world to discover…

Until next time>                               “never forget”      

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